Tue, Mar/18 Final - 6 innings
14 Worcester St.
3 vs Juniata
Tue, Mar/18 Final
10 McDaniel
6 vs Juniata
Wed, Mar/19 Final
2 U. of New England
1 vs Juniata
Wed, Mar/19 Final - 7 innings
2 Worcester St.
1 vs Juniata
Wed, Mar/19 Final
0 Juniata
2 vs Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering
Wed, Mar/19 Final
4 Juniata
8 vs Worcester St.
Wed, Mar/19 Final
7 Juniata
6 vs Keene St.
Thu, Mar/20 12:00 PM
Men's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Thu, Mar/20 12:00 PM
Women's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Thu, Mar/20 Final
Women's Lacrosse
17 Clarkson
9 vs Juniata
Fri, Mar/21 10:00 AM
Men's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Fri, Mar/21 10:00 AM
Women's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Sat, Mar/22 10:00 AM
Men's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Sat, Mar/22 10:00 AM
Women's Track and Field
at Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational
Sat, Mar/22 Final
8 Catholic
1 vs Juniata
Sat, Mar/22 Final - 9 innings
1 Juniata
2 at Catholic
Sat, Mar/22 Final
Men's Lacrosse
1 Juniata
22 at Scranton
Sat, Mar/22 Final
15 Catholic
7 vs Juniata
Sat, Mar/22 Final
3 Juniata
7 at Catholic
Sun, Mar/23 Final - 8 innings
14 Catholic
2 vs Juniata
Sun, Mar/23 Final
Women's Lacrosse
17 Scranton
4 vs Juniata
Tue, Mar/25 Final
2 Juniata
3 at Penn St.-Altoona
Tue, Mar/25 Final
7 Juniata
8 at Penn St.-Altoona
Wed, Mar/26 3:30 PM
at Susquehanna
Wed, Mar/26 4:00 PM
Women's Lacrosse
vs Juniata
Wed, Mar/26 7:00 PM
Men's Volleyball
at Elizabethtown
Thu, Mar/27 3:00 PM
vs Juniata
Thu, Mar/27 3:30 PM
at Dickinson
Thu, Mar/27 5:00 PM
vs Juniata
Fri, Mar/28 4:00 PM
Men's Track and Field
at Jim Taylor Invitational (Throws)
Fri, Mar/28 4:00 PM
Women's Track and Field
at Jim Taylor Invitational
Fri, Mar/28 7:00 PM
Men's Volleyball
at Drew
Sat, Mar/29 10:00 AM
Men's Track and Field
at Jim Taylor Invitational
Sat, Mar/29 11:30 AM
Women's Golf
at PSU-Altoona (Day One)
Sat, Mar/29 11:30 AM
Men's Golf
at PSU-Altoona (Day One)
Sat, Mar/29 10:00 AM
Women's Track and Field
at Jim Taylor Invitational
Sat, Mar/29 12:00 PM
vs Juniata
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
Women's Lacrosse
at Wilkes
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
at Moravian
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
Men's Tennis
at Catholic
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
Men's Lacrosse
vs Juniata
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
Men's Volleyball
at Wilkes
Sat, Mar/29 1:00 PM
Women's Tennis
at Catholic
Sat, Mar/29 3:00 PM
vs Juniata
Sat, Mar/29 3:00 PM
at Moravian
Sun, Mar/30 11:30 AM
Women's Golf
at PSU-Altoona (Day Two)
Sun, Mar/30 11:30 AM
Men's Golf
at PSU-Altoona (Day Two)
Sun, Mar/30 12:00 PM
vs Juniata
Tue, Apr/01 3:30 PM
at Lycoming
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Juniata Student-Athlete Annual Requirements

Hello Juniata Eagles! We are so excited to have you join us this year and welcome back to our returners! In preparation for the upcoming sport seasons, student-athletes must complete the following NCAA, Institutional and Sports Medicine compliance processes prior to your arrival on campus and participating in Juniata Athletics. Listed below is a checklist of the items along with the due dates of when you will need to complete the requirements. 

Athletic Pre-Participation Physical & Athlete Portal 

Prior to participating on a team for Juniata, student-athletes must provide the Sports Medicine Department with their current address, emergency contact, insurance information, health history information and documentation of a current athlete-only physical. 

We use an electronic documentation system called ATS and the instructions on how to create a profile can be found on the Sports Medicine webpage (click here) titled “How to Create an ATS Profile.” Incoming student-athletes will need to create a profile. Returning student-athletes will need to login to their current ATS profile and confirm all information is accurate. 

Student-Athlete Only Health Forms can be found on the Sports Medicine webpage (click here). These forms must be printed and taken to your doctor for clearance. Completed forms must be uploaded to ATS under the eFiles tab. These forms are in addition to the entrance physical required by the College and are required for athletic participation.

Who should complete: All student-athletes

Task Opens: Available Now

Due: August 5

Questions? Reach out to Sports Medicine- leydigj@juniata.edu & shoffm@juniata.edu

ImPact Baseline Concussion Test 

Student-athletes will receive an email directly from ImPact with a link to the test, along with instructions for completion. Student-athletes MUST select their sport in the demographic section.  

Who should complete: First-year and transfer student-athletes 

Task Opens: Available Now

Due: August 5 

Questions? Reach out to Sports Medicine- shoffm@juniata.edu

Sickle Cell Testing 

The NCAA requires new incoming first-year student-athletes to provide confirmation of their sickle cell trait status. An info sheet regarding this process can be found on the Sports Medicine webpage (click here). Sickle cell test results should be uploaded to ATS using the eFiles tab if able.

Who should complete: First-year and transfer student-athletes 

Task Opens: Available Now

Due: August 5

Questions? Reach out to Sports Medicine- shoffm@juniata.edu 


 NCAA Eligibility Paperwork  

Student-athletes will receive an email through ARMS software (Teamworks+Compliance) with three NCAA compliance forms: Drug Testing Consent, Student-Athlete Statement, and Summary of Regulations. NCAA Eligibility paperwork is REQUIRED for student-athletes to be cleared to practice and to compete. 

*International Student Athletes enrolling in a Division III School for the first time must also register for an Amateurism-Only account through the Eligibility Center. An Infosheet regarding this process can be found on the compliance webpage (click here).  

Who should complete: All student-athletes 

Task Opens: July 8

Due: August 5

Questions? Reach out to Compliance- shoffm@juniata.edu

 Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Form 

This is an annual requirement for the NCAA as part of the NCAA Board of Governors Policy on Campus Sexual Assault. The Student-Athlete Serious Misconduct Form will be sent via email to all student-athletes through ARMS software (Teamworks+Compliance). Transfer student-athletes will need to send the Serious Misconduct Form to their previous institution(s) for the past five years. Please check your Juniata email once task opens. 

Who should complete: All student-athletes 

Task Opens: July 8 

Due: August 15 

Questions? Reach out to Compliance- shoffm@juniata.edu

 Other Student-Athlete Forms  

All student-athletes are required to sign each policy below prior to participation in Juniata Athletics. These forms will be sent via email to all student-athletes through ARMs software (Teamworks+Compliance). Please check your Juniata email once task opens. 

Sports Medicine Forms  

Student-Athlete Participation Agreement

Student-Athlete Code of Conduct & Hazing Policy 

Student-Athlete Social Media Policy 

Student-Athlete Name, Image and Likeness Policy 

Student-Athlete Responsibilities Policy 

Who should complete: All student-athletes 

Task Opens: July 8 

Due: August 15 

Questions? Reach out to Compliance- shoffm@juniata.edu