Sat, Feb/08 10:00 AM
Women's Track and Field
at Franklin and Marshall
Fri, Feb/14 4:00 PM
Women's Track and Field
at DIII Elite Meet
Sat, Feb/15 10:00 AM
Women's Track and Field
at DIII Elite Meet
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2021-22 Juniata Women's Track and Field

Hometown/High School
Rebecca Christophel full bio Rebecca Christophel Event: Sprints/Mid-Distance Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Three Springs, Pa. / Southern Huntingdon
Nandee Correia full bio Nandee Correia Event: Throws Cl.: So. Hometown/High School: Stroudsburg, Pa. / Stroudsburg
Emily Vogt full bio Emily Vogt Event: Distance Cl.: So. Hometown/High School: Fairfield, Conn. / Fairfield Warde
Kaylyn Walters full bio Kaylyn Walters Event: Jumps Cl.: Fr. Hometown/High School: Port Royal, Pa. / Juniata